Tips for Dressing the Flower Girl


Let’s face it,  planning a wedding can be a pretty confusion, chaotic, and tedious task at time. Couples must constantly work so hard to ensure that they are organising the perfect wedding. Every little detail is placed under the microscope of love, from the choice of wedding cake all the way down to the flower girl’s dress. Each aspect of the wedding must reflect your style, choices, and dreams for the evening. For all of this chaos, confusion, and hard-work, you’ll enjoy an unforgettable, perfect evening and hopefully a life full of happiness with that special someone.


Until then, you’ve got to continue organising, planning, and orchestrating the big night. Flower girls are a big deal at any wedding. At some weddings, there may only be one or two flower girls between the ages of 4 and 8. However, there are also weddings that have up to a dozen or more flower girls. The quantity of flower girls will probably be the first decision you need to make. After that, it’s on to choosing the proper dresses for all of these little angels. Here are a few very important factors you need to keep in mind when choosing a dress for your flower girl or flower girls.


The first thing you’ll want to consider is the fabric of the dress itself. Remember, most of these flower girls are likely between the ages of 4 and 8. This means you don’t want dresses that are too lacey, too long, or too heavy for children to wear. Kids often have very short attention spans and they don’t like sitting around too long in a terribly uncomfortable dress. You should focus on finding something that is comfortable and doesn’t itch. This way they’ll stay in their dress for the entirety of the wedding and you won’t have any embarrassing accidents.


The weather plays a big factor in what everyone’s wearing for the evening, the flower girls included. For example, a nice spaghetti-strapped dress on a hot summer’s day would be much better for a young girl than burying them beneath layers of lace, cotton, and fabric. Try adding a short sleeved bolero to the mix during the summer months, but replacing it with a long sleeved bolero during the winter months. This way the kids can still wear their dresses in accordance with the rest of wedding guests, but stay comfortable when it matters the most.


You might not believe it, but style is almost as important to most little girls as it is to the grown up girls. There time as the flower girl at the wedding may be some of their first memories of a real wedding and could set the framework for the rest of their lives. For this reason, you’ll want to find dresses for the flower girls that are as close in style to the bride’s gown as you can find. Help the child feel like they are a real part of the wedding and fit in perfectly with the adults. They’ll have the rest of their life to recreate the experience with their own spouse one day.

All dresses can be purchased at