The Beauty Planner! Weddings in Ireland (1/3)



Sassy Chicago Bride

The classic bridal look might be natural and glowing but as every girl knows, it takes a lot of hard work to get this particular look and it’s never too soon to start…


 Face to Face


Never too soon…

Start getting into good skin habits by eating lots of fruit and veg and making sure you drink enough water – one and a half to two litres a day. This will help clear your complexion and flush any toxins through your body. Now is also the time to begin a good skincare regime. Cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day with products that suit your skin. Use a facial exfoliator and a mask once a week to give your face that special glow. If this is all new to you, talk to a facial therapist or skincare expert before choosing your products to make sure that your regime is the right one for you.


Six months to go…

Begin a series of monthly facials leading up to the wedding. If you have any skin problems, such as acne, a therapist will be able to prescribe you a course of treatments that should result in your best skin yet on your wedding day. If you have a serious skin complaint, talk to your doctor and referring you on to a dermatologist.


Three months to go…

The wedding arrangements are well underway and it’s time to start thinking seriously about your make-up look for the day. Start your research by looking through magazines and clipping out any pictures you like. Remember that bridal make-up should look neutral – as one bride once told us, “me but better!” If you’re planning on doing your own make-up, look into having a make-up lesson around this time, and treat yourself to some new make-up for the day. Start practicing so you’ll be perfect on the day. If you want to hire a professional make-up artist, begin talking to him/her about your look.


One month to go…

If you haven’t already, arrange a final run-through of your make-up. If you can, arrange your hair trial for now too, as you can then work out the logistics of your preparation on the morning of your wedding. You can also make sure that you’re make-up is strong enough for your hairstyle. If you are doing your make-up yourself, try a trial run to see how long it will take you on the day – if it’s taking too long, now’s the time to simplify your look.


Makeup&Beauty blog

Two weeks to go…

If you are having a series of facials, now is the time for your last one before the wedding. Don’t be tempted to have one just before the big day, as facials can bring any toxins or problems to the surface.


Two days to go…

Make sure to tidy your eyebrows (go to a professional if in doubt) now so any redness has a chance to go down before the big day. Double-check to ensure you have everything you need for your make-up and any touch-ups during the day.


On the day…

Now is not the time to experiment! Stick to what you know and to your planned timeframe. Give your bridesmaid your essential touch-up make-up (compact powder, lipstick/gloss, maybe some blush)