Ring exchange wording etiquette

ring exchange

At weddings, couples have the ring exchange wording after the vow and before rings exchange. Most couples choose to write the exchange of rings script separately, while others merge it with vows. Whichever way, ring exchange vows are quite sacred.

The wedding speech symbolism is of hope, love, promise, and commitment; using a ring. From secular to modern, non-traditional to traditional wedding vows, there’s a lot to choose from. If you’ve chosen to create a separate ring ceremony script, find examples and etiquette for writing ring vows.

Put something down

Take out time to start writing your wedding ring speech. It doesn’t have to be all neat and coherent at first. Put all your scattered thoughts on paper. And things will fall in place.

Pointers to help you do that is by thinking about your partner. Think of why you love them. Ask yourself why you’re marrying your partner. What’s it about them that excites you? What is the greatest promise you ever want to make to your partner? Do you have sweet times? Draw inspiration from that.

ring exchange wording groom an bride exchanging rings


Choose your style

This is an important step to take with your partner. Consult them so that both of you are on the same page. What tone do you want to set for the wedding ring speech? Romantic, funny, or emotional? In what form do you want to say your ring ceremony wording? A poem, speech or quote?

Will there be problems with word usage? Consult your partner to establish words you don’t agree on. Honor, obey, for better or worse? You should tackle this early enough to avoid conflicts. How about the length of the ring vows? You want it short and concise or lengthy?

How about wedding ring ceremony ideas? Modern, secular, agnostic, or traditional wedding ring vows? This is a thing to decide between you and your partner. For inspiration on wedding ring exchange vows, see examples below.

Modern ring vows

“I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my (wife/husband) this day and forevermore.”

“This ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion. I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be as your (husband/wife). With this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.”

“I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you.”

Traditional ring vows

“I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. All that I am I give to you. All that I have I share with you. I promise to love you, to be faithful and loyal, in good times and bad. May this ring remind you always of the words we have spoken today.

“I give you this ring as a sign of our love, trust, and marriage. I promise to care for you above all others, to give you my love, friendship, and support; and to respect and cherish you throughout our life together.

Make notes into vows

The ring exchange vows are about one minute per person. So it’s always best you keep it short. If there’s so much more to say, write it in a letter and gift your wife on the wedding night. Pick out 5 to 7 most important things from your note and use them to make foundations for your vows. Break them into reasons and promises. Keep your sentences short, and vows succinct. See more examples below.

Religious ring vows

“This ring I give you, in token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love.”

“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.”

“With this ring, I wed you, and pledge you, my love, now and forever.”

ring exchange wording wedding ceremony exchanging rings


Practice until you’re happy

Your vow must ring true to your wife and the audience. So practice hard and always. Practice with the mirror, a mock audience and with yourself. Keep talking until you’re happy at how you sound. Memorize them, so that they’re more heartfelt. But it’s also good you have them typed, to avoid a trip.

Ring exchange wording can be romantic, funny, traditional or secular. Take inspiration from post and write your ring vows.