Choosing your bridesmaids



You want your nearest and dearest around you on your wedding day and none are dearer than your bridesmaids. In many cases it can be difficult to ensure that you don’t upset anyone if you don’t ask them to walk down the aisle with you. Some of us have lots of really close friends so picking your bridesmaids is tough. We decided to make your life easier by coming up with a few top tips.

Work out your budget

Your budget comes first. If you can afford to have 4 girls, fire ahead. But if not, then get two- perhaps your sister and closest friend. The bride generally pays for the bridesmaids dresses so if money is an issue you can’t have an army of girls with you. Weddings are pricey and if you add 4 or 5 outfits, girls’ days out and lunches etc it can cost an extra few thousand euro, which you may not have budgeted for.


What sort of a role do you want your bridesmaids to play?

Being a bridesmaid involves helping organise the hen, helping out with the wedding, wedding dress shopping, music, photos, emotional support and more, so its important to pick someone who is geographically nearby. Also pick someone who is available- not someone who lives miles away. That said there’s nothing wrong with picking a friend from afar or someone who just had their fourth child to be bridesmaid, but needless to say you can’t lumber them with endless tasks.


Prepare for a “no”

If your friend says no, don’t be offended. There’s a chance your friend just has other things going on. Maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend and can’t face someone rubbing their joy in her face. Maybe she’s having a bad time in work or not enough time to dedicate to your wedding. Though it’s the most important occasion to you, for others it can be an inconvenience if they have other things going on in their life. Pick the person who wants it the most and is great at organising things, has good connections and is a good laugh.

Image Credits:

Barbara McCarthy Photography

Creative Wedding Photography