Choosing the Right Wedding Wine – M&S Can Help



There are lots of little details to consider before the ‘Big Day.’ One major decision is what wine your guests will be drinking. Not only is it important, it’s also a challenge if you’re not especially knowledgeable about wine. However, you can choose the right one if you take the time to do a little homework.


Tips on Choosing Wine

The best wine for your wedding is one that you like yourself. This is why it’s important to sample lots of wines before you make your decision. You can visit a wine bar and try out their offerings, or you can try a different bottle each time you go out to eat. Another option is to hit a few wine tastings. Wine tastings are great because you can pick the brains of other tasters for ideas.

Knowing when in the ceremony wine will be served helps you decide on a wine type. You may offer wine to guests on arrival, when dinner is served, and during the toast. A crisp, light wine is good for arriving guests, while something bubbly like Champaign or sparkling wine is good for toasts. For wine served during meals, match it with the dishes you’re serving.

One more thing to consider is how much your guests like wines. If you don’t anticipate many wine drinkers, you’ll want something light, smooth and easy to drink.

How M&S Helps

You don’t have to plan your wedding wines all by yourself. Marks and Spencer (M&S) can help. Their website offers resources and information on choosing the right wines and when you’ve made up your mind, you can order directly from the site.

In particular, the M&S website has a blog written by a wine expert that gives advice on wines. You can find recommendations for various occasions and the information is up-to-date, using this season’s newest wines. You can use recommendations like these to choose which wines to sample.

The website has information about each wine they offer to help you educate yourself. You can also read reviews written by customers who have tried each kind. It’s like the of wines!

The site has a huge selection of red wine, white wine, Champagne and sparkling wines. There’s a page that shows you wines that are the highest rated by users and there are also recommendations from wine expert Oz Clarke. The site has beer, cider, and spirits as well.

It also helps that the M&S website offers good deals. You can mix and match two wine cases to save 25% and they deliver everywhere.

Keep It Simple

In your wedding wine selection, it’s a good idea to keep it simple. Offer something red, something white, and something sparkling, and you’ll have everyone’s tastes covered. If you’re inexperienced with wine, don’t worry. Spend some time sampling different wines and choose a few that your palette likes.