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Should I change my name after marriage?


What’s in the name?

A LOT apparently when we sat down and actually thought about it!!

We were chatting to a bride-to-be last week who was undecided as to whether or not she was changing her name after her wedding .

Our advice? It’s really a matter of personal choice, some people associate their name with a sense of their own identity and may wish to keep it after they marry for that reason (which is perfectly fine!).

signing-the-registerOthers may want to change it as they may feel that the name change completes the marriage and commitment process. On the flip side however, the name change may not necessarily be an important part of the process for some so changing their name after the wedding ceremony may not be meaningful to them..


Others may want to change it to ‘keep it simple’ if & when children come along .

Obviously we can’t tell you what you should do BUT we can tell you that as romantic as it may be, there’s a lot of administration involved so here we give you a list of some things you may need to consider changing when the time comes!

NB – this is by no means an exhaustive list – it’s suggestions only – additionally we cannot be held responsible should you decide (in the name of love!) to change your name from Hannah Brown to Hanna Bananahammock and subsequently decide it’s not for you!

Items for consideration:

Notify your bank

  • bank accounts may need to be updated cheque
  • books may need to be re-issued
  • Debit / credit cards may need to be re-issued


bride and groom signing the registerNotify your Employer – employee details and any employee records held on file may need to be updated

Tax office will need to be notified / a new PPS card may need to be issued

Passport details will need to be updated.

Drivers licence will need to be updated.

Life assurance company may need to be notified (check your policies)

Doctor, dentist and / or other medical records may need to be updated

Gas / Electricity companies may need to be notified

Live register will need to be updated

Will or legal documents may need to be updated – check with your solicitor!

So there you go – a LOT of administration in there once you decide to take the plunge & change your name – but hey, it’s all in the name of love – so we say why not 😉

Finding Your Dream Wedding Dress



There’s a wedding dress out there for every size and shape woman – it’s just a question of finding it! MyDreamWedding.ie presents our ten commandments of dress shopping, and offers some tips on finding the right dress for you.


Think of your comfort

Don’t be nervous.  

There are dresses to suit shapes and sizes and the assistants in the shops are well in helping you find the right shape. Some shapes look great on curvier girls, while others look good on thinner women. It’s a question of finding the right shape for your figure.

Start early.

Remember that most shops recommend ordering your dress a minimum six to eight months before your wedding day. You will need at least a month between the time your dress arrives to your collection date for alterations and fittings

Try on every shape.

Most brides are surprised at the shapes they like once they try on every different type. Try do this early in your shopping time, so you can narrow down search to a particular shape.

Bring some pictures with you.

If you know what you like when you arrive at the shop, the assistant will be better placed to help you as efficiently as possible. However, don’t pick your dress out of a magazine without trying it on first – you’d be surprised how different a dress can look on you.

Shop around.

Even if you fall in love with the first dress you try on, make sure you visit some other shops to get a fell for what is out there. When you’ve picked your dress, though, needless to say, stop looking!

Consider the season and location.

If you’re getting married abroad, a big dress with lots of underskirts mightn’t be the most practical in a hot climate. Similarly, a droughty backless number mightn’t be suitable for an Irish winter.

Think of your comfort!

You will be wearing your dress for a long period of time, so make sure you can sit, stand, dance and move freely in your dress. And eat!

Get another opinion.

It’s vital to get a second opinion on your dress, whether it’s your bridesmaids, your mum or a close friend or relative.

Consider other colours.

A bridal gown needn’t be white. Consider a subtle pink shade or even a sunny lemon colour. More dramatic brides can go for red, either as part of the gown or as an overall colour for a real show-stopping Scarlet O’Hara look.

Get the right underwear.

The right underwear is essential for your dress. Go to an expert, either in a department store or in an independent lingerie shop to be measured and to get the right shape for your dress. Your dress shop assistant or designer will be able to advise you as to where to go. Get your underwear and your shoes before your fittings, so the dressmaker can make sure your alterations are correct.

The right shape

No waist.


Look for detail, such as seams or patterns, to create the illusion of curves at the waist and bust. Look for details on your top half.



Avoid fussy or big patterns as these can swamp you. Go for a simple shape. Look for a vertical detail or a slim style. Avoid big puffy skirts.

Fuller figure.


Look for boning to emphasise your waist. Go for a fuller ar A-line skirt, consider a corset-style dress. If you’re conscious of your arms, look for something with sheer sleeves. Make sure you invest in good underwear.

Bit tummy.


Go for something that flows over your tummy. Look for detail on your top half, such as an unusual neckline or necklace. Try support underwear like Spanx. Consider a fuller skirt to balance out your figure.



Look for slimline dresses or sheath shapes. GO for simple dresses, nothing that emphasises a flat chest. Avoid anything over fussy. Emphasise your shoulders and arms.

Irish Jeweller Warns of The Risks When Buying Diamonds Abroad


It is only human nature to seek out a bargain however it has come to the attention of a Limerick based Jeweller that ‘fractured filled’ and over-valued diamonds are becoming  “increasingly common” according to Matthew Ryan ,Managing Director of Matthew Stephens, the O’Connell Street-based jewellery firm and instore accredited Jeweller Aoife O’Connell.

Diamond Engagement Rings Dublin

According to Aoife  “Over the past year I have met a number of customers who have bought their diamonds overseas, either in person or over the internet who think they are getting exceptional quality diamonds at bargain prices. Others have purchased from travelling traders or one man operators who set up in a hotel for a few days then leave town.  They are telling me that they saw the same ring in Limerick for €10,000, while they purchased from these dealers for €3,000. Nine times out of ten when I inspect these diamonds they are always a very poor grade, seriously over-valued, generally accompanied with a fake certificate and/or the diamond is actually ‘fractured filled’.

Fracture filling is the process of filling in the inclusions in a diamond with a polymer resin which makes the diamond appear more attractive to the naked eye. Over time, the filling seeps out and you are left with a very flawed diamond. According to Aoife “It most certainly is not an illegal procedure and a number of jewellers often carry a selection of these diamonds & disclose it to the customer when a diamond has been fracture filled. However, the consensus is that Irish customers are saying they were not made aware that their diamond was fractured filled or the process was not explained fully to them.

Another worrying trend which we are noticing is that there are a number of certificated diamonds where the diamond report overstates the clarity and the colour by more than one grade. Other tricks include offloading diamonds with “Strong Fluorescence” or with high Colour & clarity but with terrible cut grades to naive Irish shoppers, meaning that they will be sold worthless “lifeless” diamonds with no sparkle, but seem good on paper.

In addition there are a number of diamonds being offered on diamond websites at extremely low prices which are accompanied by fake or incorrect diamond certificates. With colour photocopying so advanced, these once unique certificates are now very easy to fake. These diamonds are generously over-graded and Ireland is being used by some dealers, particularly Israeli dealers in Antwerp, to ‘dump’ these stones. We are finding that the Turkish and Indian dealers are offering the worst quality of diamonds out there. They promise great quality but in turn they set the ring with a very flawed diamond.

The truth of the matter is that customers do not realise this until they bring the ring into a local Limerick jeweller for cleaning. On inspection, experienced goldsmiths are afraid to put heat near these rings incase it falls apart, which can often happen. Generally these rings are very poorly made and are lightweight to reduce cost. They are mass produced, and the amalgam would be very weak in itself.  The quality and craftsmanship of these is nowhere near what you would find here in Ireland or the UK.  The stone loosens quite easily, and when it does pop out, they are also very difficult to repair,” Matthew adds.

Another thing to watch out for when buying a ring abroad is whether the jeweller will resize it to meet your finger size.  Normally an easy process, this involves heating the ring to around 1,000 degrees, and then resizing it, but often foreign stores will not adjust the size but instead send the customer off and tell them that they can have it done in their home country- simply because they are afraid to touch it themselves.

“People abroad buy the ring, and the jeweller will assure the customer they can have it resized at home.  Once the ring is put under a torch, often at 1,000 degrees, you can imagine what would happen to a fracture-filled diamond,” Matthew says, adding that his company have had to turn down resizing requests from customers in the past.

Although the price of a fracture filled diamonds are naturally much less than a conventional diamond ring, the retailer may still be out to trick you – and unlike Irish retailers, they are not expecting any comeback. Put simply, if the price of a ring is too good to be true, then it probably is. When Irish customers realise they’ve been sold an inferior diamond and try to contact the foreign store or dealer they often cannot get through to them and there is the usual “we do not understand” even though their English was perfectly proficient when taking the credit card at the time of sale. I had a customer in recently who spent nearly €900 to return a fracture filled diamond to New York only to be ignored when they returned to the store.

One of the biggest problems is that we the Jeweller are often the only ones who will ever find out about these problems that Irish customers experience abroad, as the customers will often be too embarrassed to tell friends or family what happened. “Lets face it- nobody likes to admit that the actually were ripped off, especially after telling the same friends weeks earlier what a great deal they got”.  Its embarrassing and frustrating to have thrown away thrown away thousands of Euro, and most would rather keep it to themselves. This is a shame as customers should be warning others so that the same thing doesn’t happen them. But instead they opt to keep it quiet and it happens others and the cycle continues.

We are very lucky in Limerick to have such fine and reputable high street jewellers who sell beautiful diamonds and i commend them for offering excellent quality diamonds that sparkle whiter and with much more intensity than most of the diamonds that I have seen that were purchased abroad.

You have got to remember that diamonds are bought and sold in an international market so diamonds are no more expensive in Ireland than overseas” Aoife notes. “At the end of the day, when a customer has a problem with their ring, internet traders are inaccessible and can easily disappear overnight. As the old saying goes “If it sounds to be good to be true – it probably is” and my advice is that no matter which jeweller people decide to buy their diamonds I would encourage them to buy from any of the fine jewellers in Limerick as I personally know that most sell excellent quality diamonds at great prices coupled with an exceptional after sales service.

As Matthew concludes: “Shop in Ireland where you know you can get in the car, and come back, and get the shop to sort it.  If there are any problems, jewellers here will look after you. They don’t want bad word of mouth. The problem with tourist destinations is they do not need to rely on the local population for business. They will never see the majority of their customers that they have sold terrible quality to again.

copyright 2011 Matthew Stephens Jewellers, www.matthewstephens.ie

How to keep your Wedding guests dancing



Being a singer, generally I get to do the really fun part at weddings. About 95% of the weddings I do don’t actually feel like work – the wedding guests are usually just up for a good time, and that makes it so nice if the crowd are with you from the get-go. It can make for an amazing night.There will always be those events however where it is difficult to get the crowd going. All bands, regardless of how good or experienced they are will have ‘quiet’ nights, or nights where they’ll have to work that bit (or that lot!) harder to get a party atmosphere going. (If a band tells you that they’ve never had a difficult night you can take it that they’re not being fully honest with you!).


b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_1871.jpgI got chatting with a well known female singer friend of mine recently who also caters to the wedding industry in ireland and we got discussing those ‘difficult nights’ ie when you as a band are doing your absolute best to whip up a party atmosphere and it’s not going as you’d like.

We just happened to be discussing certain wedding venues (some absolutely stunning, high end venues) that we’ve both done over the years where the mood (on each occasion we’ve performed there!) has been very difficult to first of all create and then maintain.

It was like a revelation when we realised that we had virtually the same list of wedding venues where we’ve had those difficulties  – and we concluded almost immediately that it was how the room was utilised in these venues that just didn’t work in helping to maintain a party atmosphere.

While we both agreed that yes, absolutely, it’s the job of the band to keep the guests entertained we also agreed that a good atmosphere is decided upon by many variables, and the band, whilst the major variable, is only one of them. Sometimes there are some things outside of the bands control that will contribute to a less than sparkling atmosphere and 2 words simply sum it up for me – PROXIMITY and DANCEFLOOR.

Regardless of what way you look at it, people will always congregate at the bar and in the smoking area – therefore the proximity of BOTH the bar and ‘smoking area’ to the dancefloor is extremely important. Ideally the bar should be in the same room, I personally wouldn’t be happy having the bar in a room where there is a clear divide between it and the function room.  There must also be easy access to the smoking area from the dancefloor. Smokers will definitely head to the smoking area – if it’s a distance from the dance-floor it can be hard to get them back onto it! I know this may sound silly but you’d be surprised at how much these factors actually impact the atmosphere.

Another proximity issue I see is that the guest tables are often completely separated from the dancefloor – again creating a divide. While this may be perfect for dinner, it doesn’t, in my opinion create any ‘flow’ when the after-party starts. People are much less likely to get up to dance if they have a distance to walk or are forced to walk up or down stairs to get to the dancefloor. On a quiet night you can see that some guests may really want to dance but it can be intimidating for them to walk through a roomful of people to get to a dancefloor  – so the trick is make the seating conducive to dancing! I’d suggest to the hotel that where possible, after the meal the tables are moved so that they circle the edge of the dancefloor.  The best wedding atmospheres I’ve encountered have definitely been where the guest tables surround the dancefloor.

Another area of major consideration is size of dancefloor:  – while anybody throwing a party or wedding would love to see 100% of their guests dancing all night this is just not going to be a reality (people need their dancing downtime!). A lot of the time however perception is everything.  A very large dancefloor with 75 guests (out of your 150) dancing on it can look empty and lacking in energy compared to a smaller dancefloor with the same number of people dancing. The smaller (perceived busier!) dancefloor just looks more fun and encourages people to get up to dance. That IS just my own view on a dancefloor but it’s a view I’ve developed from what I’ve seen & experienced over the years. If it was me getting married I’d want that floor stuffed (seriously) so, while ensuring that it’s not a postage stamp of a dancefloor (obviously) personally I’d go for a smaller rather than larger dancefloor to cater for the number of guests I’m inviting.


If you’re looking to book a wedding venue, just keep the above factors in mind. Try to see the venue you’re thinking of in action at a similar sized live wedding – see how the room is laid out – is it conducive to a good atmosphere – you might get ideas for how you would like the room structured yourself.


If you’ve already booked your venue and you realise that there might be some obstacles as highlighted above – don’t panic (the point of this article is not to panic anyone!). Just speak with the venue to see what they can do to ensure that they tackle what they can, where they can. Obviously they can’t move the bar or smoking area, but some can change the position of dancefloor….and of course seating can always be re-arranged!. Then sit back, relax and most importantly dance –  by letting your wedding band do the rest of the work!!

Want to Learn About Best Mans Toasts?



Best man toasts are deemed to get in the one who witnessed almost all of the couple’s partnership – the most effective Man. Getting the best gentleman in the wedding is already a challenging one, far more so to deliver a short however captivating speech that will attempt to deliver everybody in tears. How does a single generate a best man toast then?


Best man toasts are deemed to get in the one who witnessed almost all of the couple’s partnership – the most effective Man. Getting the best gentleman in the wedding is already a challenging one, far more so to deliver a short however captivating speech that will attempt to deliver everybody in tears. How does a single generate a best man toast then?


First things first Producing great best man toasts want lots of creativeness, patience, and presence. To complete this, you are able to start off off by contemplating your encounters together with the couple, and jotting them down freely in a very checklist. The listing itself need to by some means show you the issues which can be memorable, trivial, or at the very least a common function that you have shared using the groom and also the bride. It’s also possible to create a group to your findings, and later on utilize it as the principal contents of your speech.

Keep in mind too the require on your separate descriptions for the groom as well as the bride, creating within your speech the type of persons the couple are within their individual lives. Right after you have gathered and organized every one of these details, you’re now prepared to prepare your best man toast. You’ll need not create down every little thing you want to say inside the paper; include only these things or keywords that may well help the movement of your best man toast.

The Delivery Imparting that best man toast ought to, to start with, catch the attention of your audience. You can do that so by introducing yourself very first towards the friends and ultimately, lead them for the relaxation of the speech. Altering your tone and mood while orating may help you get your audience’s ears. Doing this change in an unplanned way or in an impromptu method will likely yield an excellent end result and hopefully a nod out of your dear spectators. Not like other speeches, best man toasts are anticipated to stimulate the audience to complete some thing for your couple, or even the true toast. In that token, the very best guy ought to then reflect in his tone that his speech is near its closing and can quickly be adopted from the glass toasting. While you wrap up your speech, signal to your audience by way of context clues, the require for them to boost their glasses. Right after that, do not forget to extend your most heart warming congratulatory messages towards the few along with your gratitude to your function attendees.


You will find only a lot of reminders for anyone providing best man toasts. With every one of the booze and the food in the event, remember to shy far from it very first and that means you can give your flawless piece. Minimal stuttering is still Ok in the beginning ahead of check out to help keep your cool. Keep in mind, this really is your few friends’ most awaited instant so be at your greatest composure. Who is aware of, by getting the best guy of the night time, you will eventually find your own personal bride.

Image credits:

Wine glasses The Crafty Geek on etsy

Wedding suite A suit that fits on etsy

Wedding Dresses – What to do When Planning a Wedding



A wedding is one of the most joyous occasions a couple can celebrate. To get there, the bride and groom must first know how to plan a wedding for success. The planning process takes time, patience and teamwork. Future brides and grooms must work together during this exciting experience.

A wedding is one of the most joyous occasions a couple can celebrate. To get there, the bride and groom must first know how to plan a wedding for success. The planning process takes time, patience and teamwork. Future brides and grooms must work together during this exciting experience.


Once you have shared the news, you will want to start thinking about a wedding date. Determine the time of year you wish to have your wedding and the photography that will be depicted. Consider major holiday weekends and if you wish to plan a destination wedding. One tip is to opt for another day other than Saturday, such as a Friday or Sunday wedding. In doing so, you can slice your venue fee nearly in half.


Once you have your date selected, you will want to schedule an engagement photo shoot for you and your fiance. These photos typically capture the engagement ring and portray your love and commitment. Opt for a location that means something to you and your future spouse. Many couples choose to have their dear friends and family snap a few photos, but it’s becoming more common to hire a professional wedding photographer.

The fun part of the process is selecting a theme. Couples are getting creative, making their wedding day a true replica of their interests as a couple. Depending on the theme, your colors are chosen and typically, the mood of theme as well. If you’re having a destination wedding, your wedding will be a bit more casual. It’s dually important to review religious aspects and if you and your significant other are representing your beliefs throughout the ceremony and/or reception.


The next area you want to focus strongly on is your budget. Choose the budget wisely, as you don’t want to over-exceed the dollars allocated. Many weddings can cost anywhere between 25,000-65,000 euro. Of course, this dollar amount is based on the location of the event. Many New Yorkers have a wedding around €65,000. You will want to consider the amount of guests you plan on inviting as well, in order to get the most accurate numbers. Be mindful that you could spend more on tables/chairs, wedding favors, and food, as the cost is dependent on the amount of people.

Determine Guest List The biggest task is compiling a list of guests who you want to share your special day with. Be mindful of the number as you will usually pay per person for catering. Don’t provide options for single guests not in a serious relationship to bring a guest.

Select the Bridal Party The fun part is having your best friends and close family members by your side the day you get hitched. Make sure to talk the bridal party over with your future spouse. You will want to consider how many people you have based upon your budget. Remember, bridal party gifts and favors should also be included in your budget.

Lock in Venue/Caterer To make sure that all is set on your special day, you will want to look at potential venues and perform a taste test of hor’dourves and the main meal. This is also a good time to decide whether your prefer a buffet style meal or formal sit down dinner.


Since the wedding date and venue is confirmed. You will now want to order and distribute the Save-the-Date announcements. Sending the announcements to your guest list announces your engagement as well as allows your guests to secure the date to assure their attendance.

Purchase the Gown The bride-to-be’s main priority is the wedding dress. It’s never too early to start looking for the perfect wedding that gown that flaunts the best features of the bride.

With the theme and colors selected, you can now choose your bridesmaid dresses. Many brides select a color and dress with their bridesmaids. Make a day of it!

Image credits:

Second dress Grace Loves Lace on etsy

Third dress Grace Loves Lace on etsy

Fourth dress Sergine Broallier on etsy

Fift dress Grace Loves Lace on etsy

Honeymoon Destinations – The Maldives


With its abundant sealife and sandy beaches a secluded romantic island honeymoon vacation in The Maldives, a tropical paradise located in the heart of The Indian Ocean is the perfect choice to start your married life. If you’re looking for white sandy beaches, perfect sunsets and the whole world to yourselves – The Maldives is an absolute must to consider.

With its abundant sealife and sandy beaches a secluded romantic island honeymoon vacation in The Maldives, a tropical paradise located in the heart of The Indian Ocean is the perfect choice to start your married life. If you’re looking for white sandy beaches, perfect sunsets and the whole world to yourselves – The Maldives is an absolute must to consider.

Practically all visitors arrive at Male International Airport Located on Hulhule Island (next to the capital Male). The airport is served by a wide array of flights to India, Sri Lanka, Doha, Dubai and major airports in South-East Asia, as well as an increasing number of charters from Europe. Many flights stop in Colombo (Sri Lanka) on the way.

Try to book your Maldives trip as an all inclusive package if you can as it will allow you to really sit back & enjoy the experience once all  resorts, meals, drinks and activities are taken care of up-front

b2ap3_thumbnail_Shangri-La-Villingili-Resort-Spa-Addu-Atoll-Maldives-Nexus-Travel-Solutions-Luxury-Bespoke-Holidays-India-2.jpgWhen you arrive, a tour of the islands is the ideal way to get a real feel for this beautiful place. Water sports and diving amongst the array of sea-life in the beautiful waters of The Maldives is a must for any water sports enthusiasts too. The best thing is that you need not be a professional diver to enjoy the Maldives. All resorts and safari boats give you basic to advanced training using well-monitored diving facilities of a high standard. Even the most reluctant diver can enjoy the beauty of Maldivian underwater life on a drift dive with the guidance of experienced dive instructors. 
Check with your tour operator what watersport packages they offer.

After a hectic day in the water a dinner under the stars with the occasional flicker of candle light to bring you back into the real world, or just lazing around in your private bungalow watching the endless turquoise waters while you are treated to an spa treatment in the room will be the perfect end to any day.

For more information on The Maldives as a honeymoon destination contact your local tour operator.

Types of Wedding Flowers



When you are planning your wedding day you will find there are many different types and sizes of flowers. A lot of people will go with roses, not always red, but you do not have to go with these. If you are looking through magazines you will see many brides are using peonies, daisy’s, orchids, or anything else that will fit with the colors of your wedding.

The first thing you should do is decide on the colors your wedding flowers will be, then you can pick the flowers that fit into those color categories. Then you can hire a custom designer to create the flowers you want for your wedding.


Most brides like to have their bouquets a little larger then what the bridesmaids have. This keeps the center of attention focused on you the bride. As the bride you can put white flowers in your bouquet and in the grooms corsage, then you can mix in the colors of your wedding into the bouquet and with the bridesmaids flowers. Most guys do not like to wear flowers of any kind, as these are very feminine, by leaving the stem in place you can make the flowers seem more manly.


Keeping the mother of the brides flowers white is a nice touch, and also keep the flower girl with a completely different color than the rest of the wedding party. Real flowers will cost you more, but in the long run this is a nice touch. To save money you could buy the flowers yourself and create what you need. I do not recommend this as the flowers should be worked on the night before the wedding, and we both know how busy the bride is the night before the wedding.


To find out just what flowers and color schemes you want to go with, you are going to want to look at as many pictures as you possibly can, and you are going to want to do this online, in magazines, and also by going to see florists. Now days any colors that you want will go together, you just need to try to find the best flowers that look like they belong in your season.

This will help the flowers that are fake look more real, and it will also help everything flow a lot better. Take your time and plan out your arrangements, and get some bouquets together for practice.


Image credits:

First bouquet Cactus Limon on etsy

Second bouguet Paula Jeans Garden on etsy

Third bouguet Holly’s Flowers Shoppe on etsy

Fourth bouquet Curious  Floral Crafts on etsy

Fift bouquet Jersey Maids on etsy

Finding The Perfect Bridesmaids Dresses



Many people want to marrying each other somewhere that is abundant in natural charm. However, picking out a bridesmaids dress is to match at an atmosphere like this is both extremely crucial as well as tricky! To increase pressure on the bride, many have the mentality that not a thing can go wrong for this day this is an affair of lifetime! The following paragraphs will offer you tips on picking out dresses that will be both economical and right for your wedding day!

Many people want to marrying each other somewhere that is abundant in natural charm. However, picking out a bridesmaids dress is to match at an atmosphere like this is both extremely crucial as well as tricky! To increase pressure on the bride, many have the mentality that not a thing can go wrong for this day this is an affair of lifetime! The following paragraphs will offer you tips on picking out dresses that will be both economical and right for your wedding day!

1. Research – Good research is significant to choosing a great dress. Consider your own time, check through some magazines to get a fair idea of styles. Search through the world wide web to find out about any great deals and discounts. Acquire leaflets and pamphlets from the retailers that offer bridesmaid dresses. Great information can stop an individual from making a giant mistake.

2. Make a checklist – This saves you precious time and energy. Provide time to choose the shade, style, cut, length and most of all THE BUDGET. Don’t let the seller sweet talk you into buying a dress you won’t be able find the money for. Also when purchasing an inexpensive dress, discount’s come in really handy but be careful of phony promises and poor materials.

3. Go shopping – Do not get nervous and keep in mind hurrying will simply generate much more panic for you. Plan the purchasing of the bridesmaid dress, and do this in beforehand. Choose to go to no more than 2-3 retail stores at one time. Be sure you when you pick a dress you have a complete concept of the appearance you want. Take someone alongside you who can be relied on. One who has knowledge about your character and can provide you with some excellent advice. Always keep an open mind; try all sorts of things but attain a gown in which you feel confident and yourself in. Let’s face it the dress generally reflection of your personality.

4. Final Order – This is the chance when buyers absolutely need to take a large amount of caution. Place the order meticulously; put all the details in writing. Present measurement to a professional otherwise an absolutely incorrect measurement can affect whole entire the dress. Also, candidly talk about alterations required in the dress. Check with the firm or the dress designer. Avoid accepting an dress that does not have any tags on them, even if they are offering affordable prices. They could actually just sell you polyester making claims it to be silk. Write the complete account information associated with the transaction on the receipt. Make a day for final fitting.

5. Law- Don’t be a badly informed buyer. Be certain of your rights. Be sure to pay by credit card, so that you can have a record of your transaction. This is the best barrier you’ve got against any sort of deceitful store seller. There are laws to aid you in this sort of a situation. You should never sign any sort of written agreement. To steer clear of many of these difficulties, do not go to any totally new store. Go to a tested and tried shop in your city or via the internet. In that case that you get a bad dress or some unfulfilled promise, instead of letting it spoiling your entire day , inform them of the law and save the day!

Being a bridesmaid is actually a matter of honor and a responsible duty. It is best to look great on the big day and help the bride on what will no undoubtedly be one of the most anxious moment in her life. So ready yourself for this day for you have got to put your very best foot forward. Next, enjoy the beauty that is around you.

To buy gorgeous designer dress in Dublin visit CoutureOnline.ie
To rent one go to CoutureForHire.com

Tips For Wedding Cake Ideas



The purpose of wedding favors is to thank your guests for coming to your wedding and ultimately showing their support for your commitment to one another. Thus you should in reality look for wedding party favors which your guest will love. In some situations this may mean you have to give your invited guests a wedding day favor gift which may not appeal to you but that you know a good number of your invited guests will love.

The purpose of wedding favors is to thank your guests for coming to your wedding and ultimately showing their support for your commitment to one another. Thus you should in reality look for wedding party favors which your guest will love. In some situations this may mean you have to give your invited guests a wedding day favor gift which may not appeal to you but that you know a good number of your invited guests will love.

Although, in most instances the wedding ceremony favor you select for your guests will be something you know they will love along with a favor which you would also love to get. This article will given a few wedding favor gift ideas that are enjoyed by many guests.

Edible wedding day favors are one type of favor which virtually all of your invited guests will love. There are a great deal of options available for couples who wish to give their guests some kind of edible favor. Candy is one of the most well-liked options available. Many couples like to give their guests a candy bar with a personalize wrapper which includes the names of the bride and the groom along with the wedding date.

Other candies such as mints or hard candies are also very fashionable. These candies can regularly be distributed in personalized containers like tins or glass containers. Cookies are another type of edible wedding favor gift that is very popular. The cookies can incorporate a photo of the couple or could be a fortune cookie along with a quote from a love song in it.

Miniature wedding cakes are another sort of edible wedding active favor your guests will appreciate. These are not as common as other sorts of wedding favors because they can be rather expensive but if they fit within your budget, your invited guests are sure to be delighted by these favors. These wedding favors may be distributed in small boxes so your guests can take them home easily.

Picture frames are another example of wedding day favors that many guests love to receive. Guests like to get this sort of favor as it is a very practical gift. They can make use of the frame to hold an image of the couple or for any other purpose they wish. Giving picture frames is also a great idea because they come in such a broad variety that finding a fitting one should the simple. Picture frames can be purchased to reflect the style of the marriage ceremony or can be romantic in nature to reflect the underlying theme of love which prevails at all marriage ceremonies. Alternately picture frames selected as favors may be rather plain in nature. This helps to guarantee the pictures frames will be used by the guests as it makes it more likely that they will work against well with the decor in the guests’ homes.

Another example of wedding favors guests love is fundamentally anything which they can use and which will help them to recall the wedding fondly. One way to accomplish this is to provide wedding party favors which are not just practical but also closely involve the theme of the marriage ceremony. Wedding party favors which incorporate the theme of the wedding ceremony are much more likely to trigger the guests to recall the particulars from the wedding ceremony every time they see or use the favor.


Image credits:

First cake The Pink Owl Gifts on etsy

Second cake Ready Go on etsy

Third cake Candace Ashley on etsy

Fourth cake MoMo Rad Rose on etsy

Cake nife Red Heart Creations on etsy

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