My Big Day


My Big Day: Home or Away is a brand new show in which a couple gets the services of two wedding planners for free.

One plans a wedding in Ireland and the other plans a wedding abroad.

The couple will fully brief the wedding planners about what they would like for their wedding, including their budget, number of guests, locations they would like.

Our expert professional planners do their research and then take the couple to each location, one at home and the other somewhere foreign.

The couple will choose one of the plans and the show ends with their wedding, either at home or away.


If a couple makes the short list, they will need to apply for their wedding licence immediately. (It takes three months for the licence to come through).
The couple gets the full services of two professional wedding planners for free: one planning a wedding for in Ireland, one planning a wedding away.
The wedding planners will work to the couple’s brief and their budget.
The couple will fully pay for their wedding.
The couple will be taken to both locations by the production.
The couple commits to choosing one of the plans, and they must get married in that location, and their wedding will be filmed.

To apply, clink through to this link:

Or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

Coco Television produces the TV show’s Don’t Tell The Bride and First Dates.